The world is very young, and has but just begun to cast off injustice. Harriet Taylor Mill |
I am a Senior Lecturer in the Philosophy Department at The University of Edinburgh. I'm on leave during AY24/25 with a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, working on a project entitled 'Live in Solidarity!' I previously held academic positions at Stanford University, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and New York University. I received my PhD in Philosophy at Princeton University, supervised by Gideon Rosen, and a BA in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics from Balliol College, Oxford. I grew up in Glasgow (pictured). Nowadays, I live in rural East Lothian, with my partner and our two young children. My central research project is the development of an ethical theory based on an ideal of solidarity in mutual care. This approach aims to integrate standards of justification in the ethics of economics, political philosophy, and moral philosophy. I am collaborating on two applications of this approach: to Pharmacy Workforce Models, especially in Scotland; and to decentralised economics, with a focus on Community Wealth Building. Also, at The University of Edinburgh, we have a related research network focussing on alienation, recognition, care, and solidarity. Feel free to reach out if you wish to collaborate with us on these topics. My email address is barry dot maguire at ed dot ac dot uk . |